Westminster Bookstore
Transforming Grace (Bridges, Jerry)
The Mark of a Man (Elliot, Elisabeth)
Treasuring God in Our Traditions  (Piper, Noel and John Piper)
Seven Sayings of the Saviour on the Cross (Pink, A. W.)


Posted by Bernard Rosario On 3:27 PM 0 comments

A splendid woman with me at home 
Maps out all corners toward shalom 
Even the dogs, birds, plants, and fishes 
All sing to this queen's plenteous graces 

Pretty, lovely, described by beauty 
Her eyes, hands spread contagiously 
The pans and curtains, chairs and vases 
Contract from her these pleasing laces 

The peak of all her characteristics 
Glorious God in all she does, she speaks 
She desires the Groom more than the groom 
Worth far more than rubies can assume 

But the taint on this diegesis 
The princess weds a man from abyss 
A sinner, a worm, a delinquent 
No better than dung, falls are frequent 

Though pains were halved, life grew tough rough 
Like traversing through waves with chaffed raft 
Sans Christ, where would we be all these years 
Surely lost in darkness, soaked in tears 

Great is the Lord, His gospel repaired 
In spite of the flaws, our marriage fared 
To the worst mistakes, grace forgiving 
To the weaknesses, grace forbearing 

Now as Malacañang changes head 
It's been a decade since we had wed 
A decade of foods, movies, beaches 
A decade of drought, hunger, sickness 

I'm aware, I did more wrong than right 
But I'm still a wise king in your sight 
Your complementing, animated 
Your dissenting, Word-saturated 

Ten years, not to us is the confidence 
But to God's bitter sweet providence 
Glorify Him until we part in death 
And cherish you until my last breath  

A Decade of Nines

Posted by Bernard Rosario On 1:10 PM 0 comments

Today is Anna's birthday and our "anniversary" since she said "Yes" to me. This is my third set of nine reasons why I choose her daily. The second was in 2015 while the first is exactly a decade ago.


Where have my counting metrics been?
Can I recall my homonyms?
It's been a while since I did rhyme
Poetry snoozed, drank with wine.

But like cold water to my thirst
Your worth cures unpoetic curse
Forming stanzas verse by verse
Like Adam's words, seeing Eve first

Ten, decade has passed since I
With lists of nine, desired your "Aye"
Again, I pen another nine
Whys in my joy in you-as-mine

[1] Thrilled by your domesticity
You brought order, simplicity
To my den, a cave formerly
Now, palace of green and beauty

[2] Rarely, my stomach complains
You monitor my hunger pains
What, when, where, how I want to eat
You ask, as if buzzer's to beat

[3] I guess it must be hard for you
Locked for months with an odd cuckoo
Thanks for patiently taming me
Taking IN from insanity

[4] Peanuts or Piknik with Netflix
Chasing Marvel, DC Comics
But does it matter what genre
When I delight watching with ya?

[5] Aside from doubling grounds to laugh
Our union slashed my pain to half
More-joys-less-tears experiences
It's God, our marriage relishes

[6] Countless times I would have said "No"
But excitedly you bid, "Go!"
You see God's grace behind my works
Push me beyond my usual perks

[7] Your endearment shines everywhere
Finely, even in clothes I wear
Second to none, you're fond, caring
Though a worm, I feel like a king

[8] Among memories, none tops this
Daily approach to God, our Bliss
Scriptures, songs, supplication
All to know our single Passion

[9] Our marriage is momentary
Greater joy's in eternity
You and I, now's a parody
Of Christ and church, linked heavenly

Tears are rolling, I need a pause
And exult in Christ, the sole Cause
All streams of grace through my wife
Flow from the ocean, the Bread of Life

In the Sovereign, I'll proclaim
For His Name, His glory and fame
To more decades, more sets of nine
Next to God, you're my poem and rhyme


Posted by Bernard Rosario On 9:22 PM 0 comments

(A poem for my wife on her 36th birthday.)

From bed sheets to door mats to trash cans
Curtains, cabinets, gloves for the hands
A bachelor's house has been PINKvaded
No doubt, indeed, I surely am married

Though a toolbox becomes a makeup kit
And things relocate without me knowing it
All these reforms that you sPINKhead, Mrs.
Are, for me, genuine sources of hapPINKness

Been said, a PINKture PINKs a thousand words
But a stroke of PINK defines my thousand worlds
I PINKvite you to please PINK into my heart
See that aPINKciating you is its only art

My aPINKtions are for every square inch of you
All PINKluded, PINKtegrated, PINKcorporated too
The printer PINKside of me is not CMY-Black
All colors derive from PINK, crimson won't be back

All I wanna PINKculcate using this PINK and paper
Hallelujahs for the Lamb, PINKfinitely wise, I utter
He made me highly value this PINKminine color
And caused a new hapPINK birthday to my-no-other.

From bed sheets to door mats to trash cans • Curtains, cabinets, gloves for the hands • A bachelor's house has been invaded • No doubt, indeed, I surely am married •  Though a toolbox becomes a makeup kit • And things relocate without me knowing it • All these reforms that you spearhead, Mrs. • Are, for me, genuine sources of happiness • Been said, a picture paints a thousand words • But a stroke of pink defines my thousand worlds • I invite you to please peek into my heart • See that appreciating you is its only art • My affections are for every square inch of you • All included, integrated, incorporated too • The printer inside of me is not CMY-Black • All colors derive from pink, crimson won't be back • All I wanna inculcate using this pen and paper • Hallelujahs for the Lamb, infinitely wise, I utter • He made me highly value this feminine color • And caused a new happy birthday to my-no-other.

March 9, Year 29, Reason 9
None But Anna Manelle
Our Wedding Vows
Another Nine on March 9

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