Our Wedding Vows

Posted by Bernard Rosario On 9:38 PM 1 comments

Today, June 30 of 2012, I married the most beautiful and most CHRIST-centered woman that I know, Anna. Here is how we exchanged vows:

My Vow to Anna

Anna, sinners like me and you cannot really keep a vow
Without the kindness of CHRIST, this will just be for now

So I will glorify CHRIST when we share our loudest laughter
And still do so when tears roll and you need my shoulder

I will glorify CHRIST when time again tells we're similar
And still do so when I learn more how diverse we are

I will glorify CHRIST when you born kids of our own
And still do so when GOD points us to adoption

I will glorify CHRIST when our boy ranks first or second
And still do so when we will carry him through autism

I will glorify CHRIST when we are blessed with plenty
And still do so when the refrigerator is empty

I will glorify CHRIST when I can still carry you upstairs
And still do so when you push me with my wheelchairs

And since I will glorify CHRIST until my death
So I will love you increasingly until my last breath

Anna's Vow to Me

A peculiar friendship with you I found
A great blessing since on the cross I was bound
God is great and faithful through all these years
For CHRIST upholds us through laughter and tears

Today I stand here to utter this vow
Whatever life may bring, to CHRIST alone together we bow
I’m excited to spend this life under your headship
But more is the excitement in this new ministry’s partnership

I will be your complement in sickness and in health
We will build a home where GOD’s glory is the sole wealth
I will be your bestfriend through mountains and storms
We will hold hands together to have the flow against the norms

I affirm your leadership as the church is led by CHRIST
I submit my whole to you as the church submits to CHRIST
It is my prayer that we grow together in the increasing knowledge of GOD daily
By the grace of GOD, this union will be for GOD and HIS GLORY solely

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Photo Credits: Watchdog of God

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1 Response for the "Our Wedding Vows"

  1. arki_joh says:

    amen and amen!!! The glory of the Lord was seen and continous to be seen in your lives. May the God of grace bless you and keep you both in your new journey of faith as husband and wife....^~^

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