1:14 of John (Parody of 21 Guns)

Posted by Bernard Rosario On 10:48 PM 0 comments

Today marks the second birthday of Thrown Scabbard. In those two years, the conviction of this blog stays for the magnification of Christ who bled, died, and had risen for the glory of the Father and the redemption of my soul.

1:14 of John
(A Christian parody of Green Day’s 21 Guns)

Who could know that void sight before?
He’s One whose words have things formed
Must He weigh the Milky Way and must He be from everlasting             

Can't think plain well of His might.
Can do no good for Him as guide.
There’s one way He seriously said, that I’m ruined

1:14 of John
Shrink down with arms
Him who’s the Light
1:14 of John
Thrown up all charms just to be like
You and I ...

The doze at the berth of the goat
And the cross made sense to my fall
Had two thoughts that made Him stand tall
For God’s fame and the escaping of my soul

Our fate rests on whom we trust
Highest endeavor wouldn’t pass
Without transferred guilt to Christ, we are ruined

1:14 of John
He needed hands
Pinned for our pride
1:14 of John
Brow's vast brilliance, hit for our crimes
You and I …

As you try to save your own soul
May you turn to desperation
If you can get rid of the fire,
There's no need for the King to leave greatness from His throne

Then His life He gave and He died
Cause you can't make any wrong white
Grand thing yells as His heart expires, you were ruined

1:14 of John
Shrink down with arms
Him who’s the Light
1:14 of John
Thrown up all charms just to be like

1:14 of John
He needed hands
Pinned for our pride
1:14 of John
Brow's vast brilliance, hit for our crimes
You and I …

Sing with an accompaniment. Click to play [karaoke] audio.

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