I Boast (A Parody of "I'm Yours")

Posted by Bernard Rosario On 10:14 AM 1 comments

(A parody of “I’m Yours”)
Words: Bernard Rosario

Galatians 6:19 ~~ May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ...
Ephesians 2:9 ~~ [You were saved] not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

Well human like me, man knows that I failed it
I tried to figure out why my heart is so crooked
Even right works I act now my heart is still black

Before a truthful man had written concerning my bestest
And I know Isaiah 64:6 has fine explanation
All righteous deeds are nothing but filthy rags and foul rags

Though I want to stay so close to God
Without the faith, I'm cursed

We'll open up our Bible, read with me
O, hear the truth, it will set you free
It's not through our hands and works we find and come to God

There is a need to pick an alternate for all crimes and sins
Only one lived perfectly
And He's our God, forsaken for ones He love love love love loves

So I won't depend on good works, no more
It's only Him I boast
Since no one can come perfect, each one falls short
It's only Him I boast

I've been spending days too long, seeing my God in great error
Man, heaven never requires us to toil just to be nearer
It's a gift not a reward
Just surrender, accept grace from God

Since just a sec of sinning makes someone no better person
So free yourself of confidence and come only with faith on
Not what we aim to do, not even our virtue

So I won't depend on good works, no more
It's only Him I boast
Open up our Bible, read with me
O, hear the truth, it will set you free
It's not through your hands and works can heaven be yours
So please don't, please don't, please don't
Since no one can come perfect, cause each one falls short
This o' this o' this is our faith
I boast 

Meet Kevince Ferrer who presented this song in our Love Fellowship last February 15, 2013.

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